As you can see, I haven't had much time to work on the site lately. However, I saw this on Target's website
and couldn't resist...
It's kind of complicated. The Barbie® doll is like the regular-line I Can Be™ Bride doll, but she's wearing a slightly different dress. The Ken® doll - who seems to be a lot like last year's Beach Party Ken
- is wearing a black variation of the pink tuxedo fashion
that's currently available separately.
Of course, Kelly® doll is the flower girl - but the most exciting thing is, a new Skipper® doll is included, too!!

The front of the box doesn't mention the characters's names and I don't know what it says on the back, so I don't know for sure if it actually says this is Skipper - although it's obviously supposed to be her.
The coolest thing is, the doll is completely different from last year's Camping Family Skipper doll, with different hair and a different face design!
(In fact, it's hard to tell if it's just the picture, but her face also seems a bit strange....)
I really thought Camping Family Skipper was going to be the last Skipper doll for a long time, so this is a great surprise!
One other interesting thing - this year is the first time in a long time that a groom doll hasn't been available in the mainline, so this giftset may be the only way to get one. And his blond hair makes him unique - for the last few years, Barbie has definitely exhibited a preference for marrying guys with brown hair....

• It Came from the Dollar Store: Pretty Mermaid
• So In Style® Part 2
• Max® and Marie® and Tutti® and Todd®
• Walmart's Black Friday 2009 Exclusives, Part 1: Glitter Princesses
• So In Style® on The View

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Barbie® and all associated trademarks and trade dress are the sole property of Mattel, Inc.
The author of this website is in no way affiliated with Mattel, Inc.
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This website is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only
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