It Came from the Dollar Store: Pretty Mermaid

I saw these dolls at Dollar Tree a few weeks ago. There were a bunch of different colors - magenta, purple, red, green, and blue.

If they look a teensy bit familiar, it's probably because their bodies are made from molds copied off of one of the Barbie® Fairytopia® Mermaidia™ Merbabies™ from 2005:

The head is different. It looks familiar but, I'm not sure where I've seen it before.

However, I do know where I've seen the face paint design - it's copied off of Play Along's Lisa Frank Fab Friends dolls from 2001...

I can't remember where I put my doll so I can't show you a better picture of her face, but I can show you this....

This is "Beauty Angel", a fairy doll (yup - she's actually a fairy, not an angel ) I found at a local dollar store a few years ago. Her face paint design is also ripped off of the Lisa Frank doll. However, like with the Pretty Mermaids, the head itself isn't; amazingly enough, it's actually a bootleg Bratz® head mold!
It's almost unrecognizable - it usually looks like this:

(And, for the record - no, this isn't a real Bratz doll, it's another knockoff. )
PS: The email form stopped working again last month because of a server update. Luckily, the last time it stopped working I wrote a script that logs all the messages sent from it, so this time they didn't disappear into the bowels of the Internet. I think I caught them all, but if you wrote to me during the last month and didn't get a response, please write again!
PS #2: I'm going back and re-programming a lot of things to fix some of the newbie mistakes I made when I did it the first time (which is a lot of work , hence not so many updates). If you notice anything weird happening (like links pointing to pages they aren't supposed to, which happened recently), please let me know by sending a message!
• Barbie® in a Mermaid Tale™ Beach Barbie®
• Barbie® in a Mermaid Tale™ Beach Assortment
• Barbie® in a Mermaid Tale™ Beach Barbie and Ken®!
• Barbie® as Merliah™ from A Mermaid Tale™ (And Her Arms)
• Splash 'n Spray Friends™ - More exclusive dolls at Target

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. No infringement on any trademark is intended.
Barbie® and all associated trademarks and trade dress are the sole property of Mattel, Inc.
The author of this website is in no way affiliated with Mattel, Inc.
Links to external retail websites should not be construed as endorsements of those retailers
This website is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only
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