I saw the new Barbie® in a Mermaid Tale™ beach doll. (Unfortunately the store put price stickers on the front of the box that covered up her swimsuit top. ) (Also, the one on the left is missing the logo tab on the front of the package. I think it fell off.)
Don't be fooled by the picture - she's not really this pretty. Her eyes are very weird...

Here's something interesting: The back of the other dolls' boxes (on the left) show the pink-swimsuit Barbie doll, but the pink-swimsuit Barbie doll's box shows the blue-swimsuit Barbie instead. (You can read more about the "two Barbies" thing here.)
Also, I double checked and it's true: The characters' names aren't written anywhere on the boxes. That might explain why some websites are calling the black doll Grace® instead of Nikki®.
• Barbie® as Merliah™ from A Mermaid Tale™ (And Her Arms)
• The Barbie® Beach Assortment for 2010
• Barbie® in a Mermaid Tale™ Beach Barbie and Ken®!
• Barbie® in a Mermaid Tale™ Teresa®
• Barbie® in a Mermaid Tale™ Beach Assortment

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Barbie® and all associated trademarks and trade dress are the sole property of Mattel, Inc.
The author of this website is in no way affiliated with Mattel, Inc.
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