/// 04 August 2010 ///

No, this site is not dead, despite the lack of updates lately. First I got hung up working on "the backend" (lots of coding and database planning trying to add some new features I've intended to add forever), which took up all the time I had to work. And now, I'm having some computer problems that might make it difficult to update for a while longer. I'm hoping it will be sorted out sooner rather than later, but I don't know for sure.

This is really a bummer, since there are tons of interesting things happening right now. For example, did you hear the big news that Kelly®'s name is being changed to Chelsea®?? If you're one of the three people who hasn't heard, now you have.

So anyway, I just wanted to let you know what's going on. When this problem finally gets taken care of I'm sure there will be a gajillion more things to talk about.

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Topics: Website Stuff
Doll Diary 04 August 2010