Every year, Walmart gets some interesting, ultra-low-priced exclusive dolls for Black Friday.
For example, last year, they had a complete assortment of High School Musical 3 dolls and a set of simplified muses from Barbie® and the Diamond Castle™, each for US$5 apiece.
Based on the sale paper, it looks like this year, they're going to have at least three exclusive Barbie reissues: Refreshes of the black and white Princess dolls from 2007...

and a refresh of Candy Glam™ Barbie.

You can tell these are refreshed versions and not the originals because the white dolls both have the enlarged 1998 Barbie head, whereas the original princess doll had the 2005 open-mouth Barbie head and the original Candy Glam doll had the closed-mouth 2005 head. Also, the princesses in the sale paper have the 1999 Secret Messages™ body; the originals had the shorter 2006 "hobbit" body.
As usual, their outfits are also simplified (especially Candy Glam's).
All of these dolls will be on sale for US$5.
BTW, the sale paper implies there may be a black Candy Glam doll as well - which would be interesting, since there was no black doll in the original Candy Glam assortment.
• Walmart's Black Friday 2009 Exclusives, Part 1: Glitter Princesses
• Walmart's Black Friday 2009 Exclusives, Part 2: Candy Glam™

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