I was really hoping these adorable twin dolls from the upcoming movie Barbie and her Sisters in a Pony Tale were going to be Barbie®'s twin sister and brother from the 1960s, Tutti® and Todd®. However, it turns out their names are actually Max™ and Marie™.
It seems unclear whether or not these characters are somehow related to Barbie (which would mean they could still be regarded as "updates" of Tutti and Todd), but I kind of doubt it. ...

At long last, it's time to wish Ken® a happy 50th birthday. Technically it's two days early - his actual "birthday" is March 13, but this year the 13th is a Sunday so it's been "pushed back" to the more marketing-friendly Friday-the-11th. (Otherwise you'd just be hearing about it on Meet the Press
.) Of course, it's also a good time to wish Barbie® a happy belated-birthday.
Sure, Ken and Barbie aren't actual people so wishing them "happy birthday" is a bit wacky, but everybody else is doing it so why can't we? ...

Laura wrote and asked for suggestions on overcoming the 2009 Harley Davidson® Barbie® doll's unfortunate lack of arm posability.
In case you haven't seen it, this doll has the non-articulated variation of the "Pivotal™" torso (no joint under the bust) with bendable "Pivotal" legs, but regular old non-bending ModelMuse™ arms. (The previous year's doll was like this, too.) ...

I'm sure you know the story - Barbie® and Ken® "broke up" in 2004, and now Ken's trying to "win her back" by "commissioning" custom-designed cupcakes and "taking out ads" on billboards. (You can read more about it here
.) You can even visit this website
to "vote" on whether or not Barbie should "take him back".
The punch line was supposed to come on Valentine's Day (next Monday), when this giftset was to be released:...
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