This is a website about doll stuff.
My name is Charles. I collect dolls. Barbie® is my favorite, but I like other dolls too - especially Cabbage Patch Kids®, dollar store dolls, and so on and so-forth.
I used to be a staff writer for Barbie Bazaar Magazine. I wrote a monthly column called "Pink Box Chatter with Charles", which was all about playline Barbie dolls. This website is sort of the same type of thing.
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Kate & Allie?
All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. No infringement on any trademark is intended.
Barbie® and all associated trademarks and trade dress are the sole property of Mattel, Inc.
The author of this website is in no way affiliated with Mattel, Inc.
Links to external retail websites should not be construed as endorsements of those retailers
This website is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only
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