Viewing all 3 entries tagged with 'Quintessential Barbie®'. (Show all entries)
/// 25 March 2010 ///
Another "Quintessential Barbie®" doll makes the scene.
/// 18 March 2009 ///
It's a bloody mystery...
Who Is Quintessential Barbie®?
Who is the mysterious "Quintessential Barbie®" doll shown in promo pictures?
/// 11 February 2009 ///
A taste of things to come....
Sneak Peak of Barbie® 2009
Dolls Magazine publishes pictures of some upcoming dolls from the 2009 Barbie® playline, including new versions of Barbie's sisters Skipper® and Stacie®... and a Barbie doll with a familiar face. Also, new My Scene™ dolls continue to show up outside the US, and the line includes new versions of River™ and Hudson™.
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All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. No infringement on any trademark is intended.
Barbie® and all associated trademarks and trade dress are the sole property of Mattel, Inc.
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